Friday, August 5, 2011


Here we go again with Five Minute Friday...

Whole. I need to be whole. I figured out that I have a God-shaped hole that only He can fill. And when I let Him, He fills it and makes me whole.

I have tried to fill my God-shaped hole with so many things. Relationships, sex (not even in a relationship), friends, books (throw myself right into the middle of the plot and I am in a daydream that can last weeks). I try to fill my hole with junk food, romantic movies, chocolate chip cookie dough (in ice cream or by itself).  I looked for things that I can see right in front of my face to fill my hole.

What I did not realize for the longest time is that God was asking me to step out in faith and let Him fill me up. There is a great song by Vocal Union called "Fill Me Up". It talks all about letting Him be the One to fill our gaping wound of a hole. I have always liked the idea. Faith and letting God in - those are great, worthy ideas. I just had no idea how to live that out in MY life. It took way too long, but I'm learning.

Faith. Just having faith in Him. He will fill me with all good things. He will be faithful to complete the good work He has begun in me. And then I will be whole...

Wow. This writing unedited for 5 minutes thing is hard. But it is worth a try and I'm getting better. Having faith that He will give me the words...

PS. Click on the 5-Minute-Friday logo above and follow me to some great writing!


  1. Incredibly beautiful! He gives us length of days because He isn't in a rush for us to *get it* surrender our longing to fill holes with other things and instead to find wholeness in Him. It's by His grace that our days are lived.

    Rich blessings in your wholeness living...

  2. Well-said! You hit the nail on the head and did it so eloquently too! Its a message so many people need to hear.. we all have a hole that only He can fill.

    God Bless!

  3. Oh, I love the word play...WHOLE AND HOLE! Neato!


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